Evo-Health Lab

Welcome to the Evolutionary Ecology of Health Research Labs, “Evo-Health Lab” for short.

Dr. Paul Andrews, Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
McMaster University

Our research focuses on the evolutionary ecology of mental and physical health, as well as the accurate distinguishing between healthy and disordered states.

Don’t become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origins.

Ivan Pavlov

Serotonin and antidepressants

When serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in regulating major bodily functions, is perturbed by medications such as antidepressants, the effects on the human brain can be profound – and sometimes fatal.

Why is evolution important in our research?

To understand what behaviour is truly disordered, we must first understand the mechanisms of the human mind and body that evolved as adaptations. Only then will we understand the breakdowns of such mechanisms and the role they play in mental health.

Prospective students

In the Evo-Health lab, our students are encouraged to independently design and conduct original research projects of their own interest. Learn more about the qualities we look for in our students.